Predator 5 Movie

should scar return in another predator movie?

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Sand Half_Breed

Young BloodMember0 XPFeb-08-2014 7:17 PM

We have no clue about yaujta medical abilities, therefor we don't know if scar could still be alive or not.


4 Responses to should scar return in another predator movie?


Young BloodMember0 XPMar-12-2014 7:07 PM

Yes and he is if you look at my earlier posts he is coming back in AvP 3 redemption


BloodedMember211 XPMar-29-2014 2:25 PM


Super PredatorMember9516 XPMar-29-2014 2:51 PM

1. Scar is dead, worm food - and with ahuge hole in his chest, so no Scar will not return, and

2. AVP Redemption is NOT a sequel it is a fan film...

AVP Redemption


Young BloodMember7 XPJul-09-2014 9:20 AM

scar is 100% and will never retourn

@JRR300 on discord @JesusRamirex13 on Twitter 
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