Predator 5 Movie

Noland to Return?

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Super PredatorMember9516 XPSep-24-2012 5:39 PMExecutive Producer Robert Rodriguez and Director Nimrod Antal suugest the possibility that they may do a prequel telling the story of Noland Rolands years of survivor on the Predators Game Preserve Planet.

10 Responses to Noland to Return?

Pred Slayer

Young BloodMember0 XPSep-28-2012 12:46 PMI think that would be great. See what happened before the others arrived. I wanna see how he became so loopy.


Young BloodMember0 XPSep-29-2012 2:17 PMMe too, sounds like a great ideal.

The Berserker

Young BloodMember0 XPSep-30-2012 12:47 AMIt would be cool. I want to see what happened to the Predator who was wearing the mask Noland weared in Predators.

Albert West

Young BloodMember0 XPOct-01-2012 9:26 PMI hope Robert Rodriguez and Nimrod Antal go with this idea because it would make a great story. I enjoyed "Predators", best come-back since the original "Predator".

Alien DNA

Young BloodMember10 XPOct-10-2012 11:08 PMI personally don't like it, I already know Nolands fate (splat). could work but I'd like to see them do something different.


Jungle HunterMember839 XPNov-08-2012 11:23 PMi dont want more adventures on that planet, i want to see them get off and have it placed in space somehow

Not a map, an invitation


Young BloodMember0 XPJan-10-2013 9:10 AMYes, space. That's all I have to say.

We aint outta here in ten minutes, we wont need no rocket to fly through space.


Young BloodMember0 XPJan-30-2013 1:15 AMMan who in the world cares about that dude? That would be such a lame movie. Especially if he's going to be by himself. I mean, if they do include others the movies still not going to be well because we already know how it's going to end. Noland survives and everyone else dies. There's really no surprise in the story line. I would like to see them pick up right where they left off. Only this time not one batch of survivors being dropped off onto the strange planet, but about 3. Up the ante for crying out loud, don't go back in time. That's so boring. Every movie is doing that shit already. They tell a story and then the friggen sequel ends up being a back story. So lame and old already. Keep moving forward. More People. More Predators. More! More! More!


Young BloodMember0 XPFeb-27-2013 9:42 PMHmm, that would kinda be lame since they released a comic and short animated bit about noland already. The little comic book that came with the first movie went over most of what happened already. The rest would be weak a lot of hiding scavenging and killing other humans while mainly avoiding preds. He didn't kill all 2-3 in a short time but rather over years. Imo they should pick up where they left off or simply continue with the two types of preds and their issues with each other, get more bAck ground on that mess. The books and comic books have a separate pred group known as bad bloods I think cause they don't kill for the hunt and clan/tribal stuff instead they do it just to kill and conquer. I was sad when avp followed the basic story of the books and comics but ruined it by putting it in modern day instead of the future. If you haven't seen the comics pls go find them. The main char ends up going with the preds and hunting with them. Eventually she goes back to humanity and then humans and the preds have to fight the bad bloods who come back after being banished with new tech and alien mixed dog things at their command. The books and comic books are way better. The original predator and predator 2 came from those sources, all other movies besides predators took the ideas and then messed them up. I hope they restore my faith in these movies cause the first 2 good and predators was good but lacked a little something, if I can put my finger on it I will make a post, still a good movie tho.


Young BloodMember0 XPAug-20-2013 10:54 AMHmm... sure why not. Could tell also what happened to the crucified peds clan at the same time too and the super preds history, but from Nolands pov.

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