Predator 5 Movie

Expectations For Sequel?

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Young BloodMember0 XPSep-26-2012 7:52 PMWhat are you expectations for a sequel if they make one?
9 Responses to Expectations For Sequel?


Young BloodMember40 XPSep-27-2012 1:13 AMI'm curious to see more alien species hunted by predators...may be new or old but mysterious as this... [img][/img] by the way I also liked the River Ghost creature... [img][/img]

Xeno Killer

Young BloodMember0 XPSep-27-2012 5:53 PMI wanna see the survivors encounter more predators and less new humans.

Pred Mut

Young BloodMember0 XPSep-27-2012 11:12 PMI would like to see more of the River Ghost Creature more. Maybe a clan of them hunting the humans.

Pred Slayer

Young BloodMember0 XPSep-28-2012 12:36 PM@Shambs That dinosaur thing looks cool, it was seen in Predator 2 right? I can see Royce running from that thing! xD

The Berserker

Young BloodMember0 XPSep-30-2012 12:45 AMI want to see more of the river ghost creature and the whole clan idea of them would be pretty cool.


Jungle HunterMember839 XPNov-08-2012 11:43 PMi at least want to know the origin of the river ghost creatures. their heads remind me of the shape of the predator helmets and other than that, i just assume that they came from the same world or something

Not a map, an invitation


Young BloodMember0 XPJan-30-2013 7:03 PMMuch better the world of predators how they live and hunt, the beginning of a young blood


City HunterMember1221 XPFeb-02-2013 2:43 PMWhat must we do to see the predator homeworld for an extended period of time ? Their culture and their origins ?


Young BloodMember0 XPMay-09-2013 2:57 AMI truly think that after 26 years it's time for us to see things from the Predator's perspective. Yautja society, origins, motivation, caste system, homeworld, etc. Fight some stuff besides humans and xenomorphs. What's their connection with the engineers, if any?
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