Predator 5 Movie

Where should the new Predator be set

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City HunterMember1077 XPAug-14-2014 11:47 PM

Where should the new Predator be set?? I would say a forest like in the first one.

Remember that chap, I forget his name, he climbed Everest without any oxygen, came down nearly dead. They asked him, they said, "Why did you go up there to die?" He said, "I didn't, I went up there to live."
9 Responses to Where should the new Predator be set


BloodedMember425 XPAug-16-2014 8:36 AM

I think Predator worked best in the jungle, although I kind of enjoyed the second one, but that just may be from nostalgia. 

Then a temple like from AVP would be interesting too


Young BloodMember0 XPAug-24-2014 10:37 AM

it would be cool in space were a predator is trying to find a rouge pred on a ship from earth whos hiding

King Of The Monsters

Young BloodMember31 XPAug-27-2014 1:57 AM

This may sound a little silly but what about a desert? he could burrow in the sands and attack when people go insane or even have powers like creating mirages. I could emagine a guy running up to and oasis and drinking loads before a predator jumps from the water and puts a blade up his chin and then ripping the head off.

Sci-Fi King25

Elder PredatorMember4297 XPSep-01-2014 6:03 PM

What about a cave? It's pitch black, until you see three red dots...


“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

kiryu sos

Young BloodMember0 XPOct-12-2014 4:55 PM



Super PredatorMember9516 XPOct-16-2014 2:16 PM

Africa, something like THIS


Young BloodMember0 XPNov-24-2014 7:03 AM

I would like to see a predator movie that is set in the future(Alien timeline future) that would first take placce on planet that is coverd in dense forest. the humans would o course show up wanting to make another colony. while 'setting up shop', the people find them selves in the middle of a predator war. the predators vs the 'super' predators from PREDATORS. amisdt all the chaos a colonail marien ship would show up and the humans would start fighting,..maybe. then the movie would end up in space, and finally back on the 'good' predator homeworld shown in AVPR. that is all.

there coming out of the walls!


Young BloodMember0 XPDec-01-2014 8:23 PM

Maybe in a Asian or South American  Rainforest

Stan Winston (deceased)

BloodedMember173 XPFeb-23-2016 1:47 AM

On the Predator home-world. 

A brief glimpse given in AVP:R, but who cares about that movies?

Perhaps a human spaceship crashes into the home-world and is besieged by juvenile predators (the adults are obviously off-world playing bloodsport). The humans then escape just before the adults return.

This would allow us to see the extended predator civilization.

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