New movie, how could it be?
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Young BloodMember0 XPNov-28-2012 10:51 AMIn my humble opinion the next Predator movie should have a reference to prometheus. I think the next predator should have a clan that abducts people and leads them to another planet, but not loose at once as seen in the movie Predators. These predators keep people in cages, and they remove the cages one by one, and inject them exactly the same black liquid prometheus film, so that the person becomes a mutant strong and violent. After the mutant is loose in the forest and predators will hunt. After returning to the skull mutant predators take another person's cage and repeat the process.
8 Responses to New movie, how could it be?

Young BloodMember1 XPDec-31-2012 4:01 PMInteresting to think about because I think they should make separate movies but stay in the same universe. Maybe have the Space Jockey's have some sort of role but do not show them...makes them keep their mysteriousness. I am a big predator fan since I saw the movie back in 90' or 91' but I am a very big fan of the Engineers from Prometheus also. It could be possible to keep the fact that the preds do hunt our fellow 'jockeys' but only show hints. The only thing I cant see is that the black goo only fell into human hands not the predators. They might find it too unhonorable to hunt because its a mutation thats artificial not natural. Who knows the black goo could be too powerful to use in a hunt because you could be the hunted.
The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno

City HunterMember1221 XPFeb-02-2013 2:52 PMWell if the predators use the xenomorph hunting as a coming of age / initiation ritual then maybe it simple economixs: the ampules is safer to transport and deploy. What would an infected predator turn into ? (by accident of course))

Jungle HunterMember839 XPFeb-02-2013 7:44 PMprobably just take on the type of attack like fifield did in prometheus. although it would be much more powerful andfast and everything, but it would make it more wild i guess

Young BloodMember12 XPFeb-06-2013 2:03 PMi want to go there planete,and go with arnold there to explore planet of they

Young BloodMember0 XPApr-20-2013 11:29 PMI say go back to the game reserve planet and pick up where they left off, they drop off another group of humans on the game reserve planet except this time its this best of the best. So in the new group being abducted you will need 3-5 badasses. Yes that means Dutch and Lt. Harrigan (Arnold and Danny Glover (and give him a chance to redeem himself)) Why? Because they are the only two to ever defeat or survive these things. Also have Sly Stallone and maybe Jason Statham as number 3 & 4 cause they are bad dudes and just look more badass the older they get. So after being dropped off they soon meet up with Royce and Isabelle, they explain what's going on to the new prey. They all team up to defat the Berserkers and in the process the lone surviving Berserker has remotely signaled their nearby spacecraft from a moon of the game reserve planet to try an escape. They defeat the remaining Berserker and commandeer the spacecraft only to find that it is on auto pilot headed for the Predator home planet. Thats where i'm at now, but they will need weapons

Young BloodMember0 XPApr-20-2013 11:29 PMI say go back to the game reserve planet and pick up where they left off, they drop off another group of humans on the game reserve planet except this time its this best of the best. So in the new group being abducted you will need 3-5 badasses. Yes that means Dutch and Lt. Harrigan (Arnold and Danny Glover (and give him a chance to redeem himself)) Why? Because they are the only two to ever defeat or survive these things. Also have Sly Stallone and maybe Jason Statham as number 3 & 4 cause they are bad dudes and just look more badass the older they get. So after being dropped off they soon meet up with Royce and Isabelle, they explain what's going on to the new prey. They all team up to defat the Berserkers and in the process the lone surviving Berserker has remotely signaled their nearby spacecraft from a moon of the game reserve planet to try an escape. They defeat the remaining Berserker and commandeer the spacecraft only to find that it is on auto pilot headed for the Predator home planet. Thats where i'm at now, but they will need weapons

Young BloodMember0 XPAug-20-2013 9:55 AMI would like more about their culture. The awesome thing about the AVP novels was that they allowed us to see things from the Predators' perspective and see how they think. Maybe among the people being hunted is an anthropologist and we get some conjecture about their interactions.

Young BloodMember0 XPMay-16-2014 12:31 PMI think that Brody and the sniper woman should get invited by the predators to go through a predator training simulation on a predator ship as a reward for defeating them. And that they should also be co-opted by the predators to help them hunt the new abductees that we're dropping to the planet after the defeat of the last predator. And if they kill more abductees the get a choice to go back to earth or go with the predators on more hunts around the universe. This will lead to Brody going home and Jessica going with the predators. When Brody gets back to his house he's met by ms. nakamora from avp requiem sitting in his living room. They conversate and Brody opens his duffle bag and shows her his predator gear!
I have a lot of plots and twists.
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