Check out these truly epic, custom Predator sculptures!
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Broken TuskAdmin27024 XPMar-03-2016 10:02 AMSome fans may be aware of Narin Studio on Facebook, but for the majority of casual fans out there who may not be as hard core about all things Predator, get ready! Narin Studio is known for producing some truly awesome custom sculpts of various movie monsters and they seem to love Predator (we can't blame them). Sourcing their official Facebook page, check out some of their sculpts below!
"Alternative Hunter"
"The Aboriginal"
"Rapido Master"
"Destroy Alien" Prototype
"King and Queen"
How awesome are these?!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
2 Responses to Check out these truly epic, custom Predator sculptures!
Dark Nebula
Alien HunterStaff1603 XPMar-03-2016 11:04 AMI'm throwing my money at the screen but nothing's happening :(
"We all have our time machines, don't we. Those that take us back are memories...And those that carry us forward, are dreams."
Something Real
Super PredatorMember5639 XPMar-03-2016 4:43 PMDARK NEBULA - I know! I attempted to speak sweetly and politely as well. Perhaps if we throw credit cards and contracts of life-long servitude we will achieve the desired result? :)
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