Predator 5 Movie
Welcome to the new Predator 4 movie forums!

Welcome to the new Predator 4 movie forums!

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Broken TuskAdmin27272 XPSep-15-2016 2:20 PM

Harking back to Scified's original form, the re-birth of our popular network has begun! 

Veteran members will recall and how it acted as a stand alone forum until we expanded to cover other films like Godzilla and Jurassic World. 

Over the last 2 years, I organized and concentrated all content on, rendering the external sites, these "network sites" as mere reference points.

Since Scified has been updated, we are now ready to re-visit our network which got us started in the first place. 

This website and a more like it will act as true Network extensions to Scified itself - offering fans an organized and concentrated experience for individual movies they're interested in, while also leaving the door open to explore the rest of what Scified has to offer!

On Scified, you will notice news articles for The Predator now direct here. As do Predator 4 forum topics.

On these new Network Websites, you can:

- Comment on news

- Start new topics

- Reply to existing topics

- Moderate news and topics (for staff)

What you still need to log into Scified for:

- Adding news

- Uploading images

-  Viewing and managing profiles

- Viewing personal messages


This site works exactly like Scified. Besides template design, it's functionality is a straight copy of Scified's. This means logging in, logging out and interacting is all the same!

The staff and I know many of our veteran members enjoyed the look and feel of the original network forums, but they lacked the necessary integration with Scified and the rest of the network. 

In bringing back the Network Website concept we hope to resolve the issues which we encountered before and hope we can cater to both those who prefer operating on Scified alone as well as those who prefer a secluded corner of the network, specific to their interest.

What I'm still working on is the ability to remain logged in across all Network sites. This unfortunately will require some time to complete, but eventually should make travelling between Network sites and Scified seamless.

For now however, you will need to sign in again - but unlike before, you will not be logged out after a given time has passed. You will remain logged in on whichever site you log into until you log out or log into a different site, ie. Scified.

In the meantime I hope you all enjoy this custom forum. There's more on the way!

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
4 Responses to Welcome to the new Predator 4 movie forums!


Alien HunterMember1984 XPSep-15-2016 2:44 PM

Chris, this is so awesome!!!

Both the colors and the formatting of the information are very well made! Great work!


Broken TuskAdmin27272 XPSep-15-2016 3:27 PM

Thanks! I'm hoping to get shared logins working across every Network site very soon, to ease the headache of logging back in to each site. 

Happy to know you like the design though!

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

I Meme Everything

Elder PredatorMember4115 XPSep-15-2016 3:56 PM

THIS...IS...AWESOOOOOOOOME! (Ah I got you you thought I would say Sparta didn't you)


"Part of the journey is the end..."


BloodedMember409 XPSep-27-2016 9:37 AM

COOOOooooOOOL!!!!!!(Also how to get in without logging in)

"A living nuclear weapon destined to walk the Earth forever. Indestructible. A victim of the modern nuclear age."

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