Has he in fact, dissed or indicated that he's ignoring Predator 2?

I'm a huge fan of Predator 2, and as S.M. pointed out, there's no reason why he'd diss it. It's a solid sequel that creatively expanded lore.

There was some good bits (ones hot ripped-off wholesale from other films I mean), but overall it was average.
That said, we'd need to know what Shane Black has supposedly said about Predator 2 before making a judgement.

The Predator will not be dissing Predator 2 by any means. It will take place after both the original and P2. Black even stated in an interview months ago that his Predator sequel would not discredit Predators either. It's all one big inclusive universe.

@ Chris true, true. But didn't either he or Fred Dekker (shudder) originally state that this movie was to be a reboot, but after polarizing negative opinion from the fans, us included, he then "corrected" himself and said his movie would be a sequel... seems to me like a "test the waters" publicity stunt.

P2 was not a direct sequel where as shane black has stated the predator will be a direct sequel to predator.