Predator 5 Movie
Finally a little bit of activity for The Predator!!!

Finally a little bit of activity for The Predator!!!

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Elder PredatorMember2414 XPOct-06-2017 7:40 PM

Both Shane Black and actor Jake Busey have been sharing a few tid-bits of The Predator on Instagram..


Hopefully this is the start of some hype-building for the film?!


5 Responses to Finally a little bit of activity for The Predator!!!


Super PredatorMember8212 XPOct-06-2017 7:46 PM

It suggests old school with the helicopter from the original. I like it. I was not a fan of the city setting of P2.


Elder PredatorMember2414 XPOct-06-2017 8:26 PM

Going from the leaked pictures there looks to be a bit of both. A bit of suburbia + some wilderness? 

Apparently the poster above is not official, but a fan-art from the AVPGalaxy community. Pretty good wrap if Shane Black and Busey are sharing it though!! Good stuff


Super PredatorMember8212 XPOct-06-2017 8:32 PM

I see the jungle but no suburbs. I also like the black and white look.


Broken TuskAdmin27272 XPOct-06-2017 9:04 PM

I'm confused as to why they're using a fan-made poster though?

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


Super PredatorMember8212 XPOct-06-2017 10:25 PM

I am  definitely a dog person but I will not sift through those pics on the link lol!

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