Predator 5 Movie
For Predator fans from an Alien fan

For Predator fans from an Alien fan

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Super PredatorMember8212 XPMar-06-2018 11:33 PM

From the Alien fans, most don't seem keen on these franchises continuing together. I thought AVP was pretty good and AVPR was a disaster...

I am interested in hearing if Predator fans would like to see these universes join up again.

9 Responses to For Predator fans from an Alien fan


Elder PredatorMember2414 XPMar-07-2018 1:01 AM

Hi dk fancy seeing you here lol

I like em both, and they can easily be in the same universe. There have been some truly great AVPs (novels, games, comics).

AVP: Prey, Hunters Planet & War (book Trilogy)

AVP2 (2001) Video Game

AVP: Three World War comic

Proof that it can be done well. just has not filtered to the screen yet.

I'm all for it to continue, they just need the right studio, writer and director combo to do it justice :)


Young BloodMember46 XPMar-20-2018 10:45 AM

I am also more of an Alien fan, but I don't mind the franchises being together. They could still make separate movies.


Fugitive PredatorMember10416 XPMay-10-2018 10:38 AM

I think that while AVP was a decent Popcorn Flick... the route they took with the Predators visiting and guiding  Ancient Mankind Plot, just kind of never suited it... also the Time-Line.

As a Stand-Alone Flick it was decent Popcorn Action... AVPR (No Comment).

So Indeed i would think there is a Market to Revisit the AVP Franchise if its done right and set in the Time-Line of most of the Games/Comics.

I think (depending on how The Predator does) a AVP Reboot may be the best SAFE way for Disney/FOX to introduce us to those Iconic Franchises as i feel the Alien Franchise has hit a SNAG at the moment.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


Young BloodMember13 XPMay-11-2018 4:33 PM

BigDave depends on the sells of Predator 4. Watching the trailer seems a  good Predator movie so in this case is Alien that must bring Predator inside their Franchises to make again better the Franchise. 

Also because I don't know if you are aware that from what Ridley Scott said in few interview the sequel of Convenant is not a real sequel but is a prequel so the movie that he is making in the 2019 is a Movie that is going between Prometheus and Convenant.


Fugitive PredatorMember10416 XPMay-12-2018 6:02 AM

I heard that interview, where he also seemed to be a bit confused, it appears other comments that Alien Awakening would be a Sequel to Alien Covenant.... But in that one interview he did say it would go, Prometheus, Awakening and Covenant...  which sparked people to think that Awakening is set prior to Covenant.

A Plot Name of Awakening does fit more with a movie prior to Covenant if it covered what David did to obtain those EGGS... why even Covenant could have had the name Awakening as Awakening fits the Plot more than Alien Covenant does...

But his main comments suggest the next movie would be a sequel to Alien Covenant.... this HOWEVER does not mean Alien Awakening would be the name of said sequel.   But i think indeed this was the Term for the Sequel.... a Sequel that RS claims would not be much about the Alien and more about AI and that likely need a extra movie after to tie into ALIEN and so Alien Awakening would seem a strange name choice...

Regarding The Predator... if it does ok and it makes a good return and the Plot is not to bad or good, then Potentially we could see Sequels.... I think this Movie could Resurrect the Predator Franchise, but i would not say the Franchise has HIT a Wall in the first place... Predators was not so bad and pleased more than it disappointed.

So Disney/FOX could indeed see potential in more Predator Movies.... Sadly for ALIEN i think FOX/Disney have a lot of issues to consider with where to go NOW.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


Fugitive PredatorMember10416 XPMay-12-2018 6:11 AM

Regarding Names for AC Sequels..

I have broad strokes ideas for TWO Sequels.... which Tie into Alien, and mine are Alien: Ascension and then Alien: Absolution where the Titles FIT the Plot of each more Directly than even Prometheus Name did with its Plot.

First deals with the Resurrection of David and his Ascension to Power, and the kind of World he helps to create... where he is portrayed as a Cult Figure, imposing a Covenant with the Covenant Crew to Start a New World... and so followed themes of Moses to King David, where the Xenomorph was kept in the Dark and only used as a Punishment to Wayward Humans.

The Second Title follows the first where Engineers Hierarchy are involved in the Final Act of Ascension as well as WY Company, and Absolution follows David seeing the Corruption of Mankind, and seemingly making a deal with those above the Engineers to save himself and his Love Interest (Synthetic Construct) but then having these beings Break the Deal with David... Sacrifice his Love Interest and these beings use her to Evolve Davids Xenomorph to the Bio-Mechanical Beasts..... David then Redeems himself and realizes these Beings and Engineers need Eradicating and also that their Bio-Weapons and Davids Creation CAN-NOT be set Free/Unleashed on the Galaxy.... and his Actions lead to the Space Jockey (But nope he is not the Space Jockey).

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


Young BloodMember13 XPMay-12-2018 3:03 PM

Well Anyway if also Predator 4 would not sell well at this point Disney can make a movie of Alien that kill a predator or viceversa just for make more audience.


Young BloodMember13 XPMay-12-2018 3:09 PM

A movie about the Engineering as well could make better both the franchise if Also Predator 4 will suck.


Elder PredatorMember4467 XPJun-06-2018 1:07 PM

As both an Alien fan and Predator fan, I hated the first AVP movie on so many levels. Requiem I liked a bit better since it was more faithful to source material but it too could of have been better.

The only thing AVP related that I loved was Aliens versus Predator 2 and its expansion pack Primal Hunt.

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