I think its a case of not expect too much, and you may end up Pleasantly Surprised... Worse Case Scenario.... it cant be as bad as AVPR
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

I think this film has a lot of negative stigma going in, but I expect it will over deliver when it actually hits theaters. I'm remaining positive.

I think it certainly could HIT the Action Nail on the Head.... The Plot seems interesting.... Fingers Crossed the Execution and Characters and Acting are Good...
I think it will at least be a decent Popcorn Flick and their is a Market for that.... AVP was not bad at all... if the Plot was set in the Future and a Weyland Ship landed on a World with Ancient Pyramids and discovered Predators had been to Earth to collect Humans and Breed us on another Place to use in their Hunting Ritual Temples... then i think AVP would have gone down much better than it did.
I think it will please Predator Franchise Fans... i think/hope some dont try and expect it to MATCH the First Movie as that is such a Classic its hard to Beat.. I do have hopes that this Movie could better Predator 2 however ;)
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017