Predator 5 Movie
Predator Oral Fang/Claw Thingy

Predator Oral Fang/Claw Thingy

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Super PredatorMember8212 XPJun-13-2018 1:02 AM

I never saw those fangs do anything except appear really intimidating. I only saw the movies so IDK if literature addressed it.

It would appear they would pierce and grip a target to inflict further brutality with its regular mouth or arms. Or maybe they are important to some sort of procreation process.......(I had to preemptively go there- sorry...)

Perhaps the new movie might give some history/background?


6 Responses to Predator Oral Fang/Claw Thingy


Alien HunterMember1823 XPJun-13-2018 6:17 AM

they don't really look like theyd be strong enough to have any use on inflicting damage so id say theyl be for courting purposes. maybe the bigger the fangs and wider they spread the more attractive a mate they make?


Fugitive PredatorMember10416 XPJun-13-2018 7:04 AM

I can only assume they maybe have the same Purpose as TUSKS

But i think at INCEPTION of Concept... it was to make the Predator look Awesome and Original and so it was a Aesthetic to make the Creature Stand Out without actually having any real Purpose... We have the same with the Xenomorph and its Dorsal Pipes/Tubes.

Which because we dont have a clear Purpose... allows us to Debate such things and try and come up for a Logical Reason for them.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


Elder PredatorMember2414 XPJun-15-2018 4:33 PM

BigDave funny how things are added with no real purpose other than to look cool... then its left to the next content creators to flesh out, or fans to theorise on :)

ali81 is on the mark, they are depicted as sexual selection traits in some of the novels; Perry's Prey and War novels at the least. 

Perhaps if Tiwaz is about he can confirm if this was addressed in Lebbon's Rage War trilogy....I can't remember lol


Fugitive PredatorMember10416 XPJun-15-2018 5:11 PM

Thats interesting ;)

I think i will have to invest into looking at/reading some Novels, may as-well while i dont really SLEEP lol  so maybe those Prey and War Novels are worth checking out.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


Super PredatorMember8212 XPJun-15-2018 8:40 PM

Yes, it could very well be a courtship thing. But females have the fangs too. Maybe it is about how one carries him/herself?


Super PredatorMember9516 XPJun-16-2018 12:10 AM

Behind the scenes, the "Mandibles" were actually the idea of Terminator and Avatar creator/director James Cameron. Cameron was sat on a plane with legendary creature effects maestro Stan Winston when Winston was sketching designs for the first movie (a Rastafarian-esque, tribal hunter) after it was decided to redesign the antagonist of the movie. Cameron related he had always wanted to see something with Mandibles and thus Winston added them to his design.

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