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Super PredatorMember8212 XPJun-15-2018 5:18 PMThis might be old hat but is still interesting.
4 Responses to The OG Predator voice

Elder PredatorMember2414 XPJun-15-2018 6:07 PMThat was a fascinating clip, and insight! That noise is so iconic!
I always thought it was some type of modified woodpecker sound effect lol
Thanks for sharing!

Fugitive PredatorMember10416 XPJun-17-2018 2:52 PMThanks for the Share, interesting to see how he came up with the idea for that sound.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Super PredatorMember8212 XPJun-20-2018 10:56 PMI accidentally stumbled onto what might be the method. First, it is inhaling. Imagine a gentle snore. Then, move the lips to give nuance. Also alternate between a neutral and snarling motion. It is pretty interesting and fun!

Elder PredatorMember3422 XPAug-02-2018 6:55 AMThis is a great find...I hadn't seen it. I'll have to practice my Predator voice. I tried and it did not sound like the voice actor above.
My "What the hell are you?" doesn't sound like a Predator impersonating Arnold...needs work.
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