With Shane Black's The Predator hitting theaters this Fall, we're bound to add some new fans to the Predator movie fandom! Use this topic to introduce yourself if you're new to the forums here, or if you're a veteran member and have decided to join the discussions!
To kick this topic off, share with us your favorite moment from all the existing Predator films!

Nice Chris!
One of the first things that grabbed me from P1 was the way the Predator saw everything. It also changed depending on whether it was wearing its head gear. I think the only other movie I saw that did something close prior was the original West world movie. The stealth tech was also a first as far as I know.

The iconic 3-dot laser sighting was a very intimidating way of saying "You're screwed"
I'll share a funny story. I was a very young dude when the original Predator came out, and I remember watching it the first few times and being confused about the premise of a squad of veteran spec-op soldiers following "gorillas" that eluded them the whole film.
Damn monkey's had better stealth tech than the Pred ha!

Predator is my favourite. I loved the characters, especially Dutch, Billy & Blane. Kevin Peter Hall's portrayal of the first Yautja was brilliant.
Plus, the Pred's tec was so cool and who doesn't love cloaking/stealth!? Also the sound he made, very iconic!
As for favourite scenes, well they are numerous, but I always find the scene where the group shoot down a whole section of jungle pretty funny!
Predator is a classic, it's every bit as good as ALIEN & The Thing, just that ALIEN surpasses everything else for me personally.
Welcome new members & Hi to the oldies! :)
"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

Predator, the first film is the only one that matters.
Brilliant indeed, still standing the test of time.
The latest one sucks, the predator is no more than a turtle ninja wearing fishnets and a Tutankhamun armour. Terrible.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

I was 6 yrs old in 1987, and still remember to this day may dad letting me watch it, but the ugly mother fucked line, my dad coughing, films are my life, predator is my ultimate number 1. I can't belive what shane black has produced, making the franchise the biggest joke it's ever been. Only one thing I could do after getting home from watching the worst film ever and the film that gave me so many O MY GOD moments, am I watching this, I got home and watched the original, now need to face facts, 80s nostalgia wont be happening to the predator like it did karate kid. Please don't do any more shane black, predator ain't a buddy film like leathel weapon, but even that was your best work, you produced a film about a group of wanna be one line comedians went after the ultimate Hunter, you put dogs in there if that wernt bad enough, you let a dog get shot in the head and become a retard dog. Arnold realised his best work was being shit on and I don't blame him for staying away. Predator is now dead, 1987 you should have watched it before you started making it, yes I know you was in it but fuck me was you Pissed off and held a grudge it killed you 1st

Predator is my favorite movie. I loved the characters. Kevin Peter Hall's portrayal of the first Yautja was brilliant. I was also very young when the first Predator movie came out and was as best as I can remember terrified by the effort of creature effects that are still to this day inventive and next to none.