What if new subspecies of the Predators were created?
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Young BloodMember18 XPAug-28-2022 9:25 PMWhen i say 'subspecies' i more mean, what if there was more predators with different traits? E.I, Clans. each predator clan would appear similar but different. Ranging in size, aggression, gender, etc. OR maybe there is a mother. Where are they all coming from? Predator god or smth?? any ideas? :)
5 Responses to What if new subspecies of the Predators were created?

Elder PredatorMember4467 XPAug-29-2022 2:21 AMrather than subspecies they are more than likely just different ethnicity of yautja, kind of like how in humans you have whites, blacks, asians, middle-eastern, and native americans

Cool Godzilla
Elder PredatorMember2112 XPSep-04-2022 8:11 PMI have a question, are predators a human but born to kill with skill, or are they different species of aliens?
As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.

Cool Godzilla
Elder PredatorMember2112 XPSep-04-2022 10:58 PMOh
As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.

Elder PredatorMember4467 XPSep-05-2022 7:02 AMand in some renditions were either called Hish-Qu-ten or Hish. In more recent EU stuff, the Hish became the Yaut'ja's ancestors
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